Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mysterious ways.


You will never guess what happened today! So I was having a pretty "in the dumps" day (you can all pretty much figure out why) and I guess someone up there knew I was not in the best mood and decided to brighten it. I was shelving books at work when I looked up and spotted this grad something. A glimmering gem in the woebegone miscellaneous items that make up value village. I quickly dropped my books, like I actually dropped them on the ground, and ran over to see if my eyes were deceiving me. THEY WEREN'T!! I was so excited, I had to have it. Mind you this all happened right after my lunch break. now the deal is with work you can buy during your lunch break and at the end of the day. SO, I had to wait until the end of the day, which was exactly 3 hours away. That was three hours of shoppers that could possibly buy this brilliant thing. Needless to say these were the three longest hours I have endured in a long time. Lo and behold by the end of the day my gem was still there, waiting patiently to be picked up. So you're probably wondering, WHAT THE HECK IS IT?!?! Well I will give you a hint.

Anything???? do you know what it is ????hmm i guess another clue is in order.

AHA we're on to something now aren't we?

But a couple more clues to really help set it in stone.

YEP that's right Wide World came in to the store today!!! I was soooo happy. Now mind you it seems to be a later edition of the game in comparison to the one grandma has. the planes are made out of plastic and there is a whole extra piece I have never seen before...something about weather??? i dunno and the box is different.

The clear plastic grid thing is the weather bit. I haven't read all the rules yet so I don't know if it's all the same. It has all the pieces except the dice and the box is in terrific shape so I thought it was a steal for 3.99 aka 1.99 for me! Sometimes I am just left baffled, why would it be today of all days this game would come into the store?

Now all I need is a "Peru or bust" sign and it will be complete!

Love you all.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

new friend

I thought I would share this little story from the other day. My friends, cass, steff, and I were having a picnic on parliament hill when a chubby little ground hog come wandering out of the bushes. She came right up to our table and ate some food off the ground. So because we are fearless (and I have my rabies vaccines) we decided to see if the little beastie would like some almonds. Not Surprisingly she did! ha! she would come straight up to us and ever so gently take one from our hands and then munch on it and look right back at us as if to say "come on, where's the rest. Don't hold out on me now." She also didn't mind having a cmaera stuck in her face, so I got some pretty sweet pics.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back at it. (happy st. patricks day!)

Finally I have something to update about.

College Royal is on the horizon and I'm getting pretty excited. I had to be an "experienced" person this year because I won for novice horse showmanship last year. Basically that means I had to train two girls on how to do showmanship and train the horse. It's a pretty tall order for only two weeks of practice. I actually got lucky this year, during one practice a girl who had done showmanship for years was overseeing our practice. Afterward she gave me a lesson and then said she would come help out whenever I wanted! I was so happy. So I had another lesson with her on Monday and I have my last one scheduled for Thursday.

I also have entered the college royal photography contest. The 6 categories and my submissions were:
College Royal through your eyes.


Animals or Barnyards

Photographer's choice



So that's about it for now, we've finally had an off week from foal watch. We had three foals in at one time, I thought I was going to go nuts. Thankfully I think 6 out of the 7 foals we've had in this year have gone home healthy and rehabilitated! it's such a great feeling.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

new header

I finished one project and one of my readings for the week, along with flash cards so I thought I would take a little break and make a new header for the blog. I thought a nice wintr'y themed one would be good. I might mess about with the layout too...but i don't know I kinda like it still.

So far no foals have come into the clinic so work has been boring, AKA me calling in 40 mins before a shift to find out there is no foal in and thus I have no work to do that day. Oh well. Leaves more time for the 10 page essay I'm writing on "human impact on the environment"...

I was extremely pleased to find a stash of chapters gift certificates I had been hoarding in a drawer in my room here. Apparently I have yet to spend any that i have gotten in the past 4 years or so. They now total a tidy sum of 95 dollars! I'll have to see what i want to get.

I did some kickboxing yesterday and I am still pretty sore from it. Though I think I'm planning on going to another class tonight. I love kickboxing!

I guess I should get back to work at some point today so I think I will say adieu and go scan through some newspaper articles.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm back

ok so i have returned to school, my computer is in working order and classes are underway.

I have one assignment due on wednesday and a 10 page paper due next wednesday. I am just about done the first one and i have a solid start on the paper.

I did the written test to become a paid member of the foal watch team, and i passed with flying colours! So now I get to teach the rookies, and I also get more shifts! (and money)

that's all I've got for now.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sorry for the completely uncalled for cold shoulder. I have a legit excuse though. First of all finals snuck up on me and pounced without warning so everything (groceries included) got put on the back burner while i studied my tush off. Then my computer decided to go KABLAMMO, which rendered me almost completely helpless. It ended up at futureshop being fixed for almost 2 weeks and it's still not completely back to normal. I could have still updated IF i could remember my log in info, which i couldn't UNTIL this morning! in a flash of brilliant christmas genius i rembered it and so i can get online and wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! unfortunately i have no pictures to share because i am on my Aunt's computer down in NY and it's doesn't host my pictures.  So I will wish you all a great christmas and i am now off to grab another cup of coffee and visit with my cousins. 

Friday, November 21, 2008

sometimes you just have those days

Today was a fun/interesting day. I decided I was going to knit myself a hat. I started out really well, for a first time hat maker, but the problem was the circular needles I was working on at first were way too long and were stretching out my work to the point where it was messing up my tension. So I started again. but this time the wire part of the circular needles were all screwy and bent, which made working with them a living hell. To fix this I boiled them in water and they are now sitting in between a tonne of books and printer paper flattening out.

Later on Johanna, Jackie and I met up to go to Fair November (a craft show) in the UC (university centre). It was a bit of a let down this year, usually it's great but it just seemed to be a whole lot of the same things. There were a tonne of woodworking, sewing, and jewelry, but not much else. There were very few food people, and one or two metal workers. sort of boring really.

Then the fun part of the day started, Jo and I went off to our foal watch orientation. For those of you who don't know foal watch is a group of volunteers who work 24/7 in the neo-natal intensive care unit in Guelph's large animal clinic. Anyways, usually this is a fairly boring routine thing. So we all arrive, Jo, my friend Brittany, and I were the only three in the orientation of about 9 who had experience doing foal watch. While were were reviewing/learning about naso-gastric tubes and how to feed a foal using one one of the girls standing right in front of me passed out! She completely collapsed to the side fell down and hit her head sickeningly hard on the corner of the cinder block wall! It was absolutely terrifying. There was a moment when she was crumpled on the floor that we were all sort of standing there thinking should we touch her? when she rolled over the "leader" of the orientation went over to her and asked if she was ok etc. She had the complete look of "who are you...who am I?...what's going on?" and wasn't answereing anyquestions and already had a gigantic purple lump on her head. The leader was trying to get her to talk, and then all of a suddden she decided she was going to get up, the leader was very nice and was saying "oooohhh, i don't think you should be getting up, maybe you should sit down" I was like ... wait a second here I have first aid training! so I walked up to she looked her in the eye and told her to sit down. VOILA! she sat! (boy can I command a group) anyways so, i started going through protocol; medic-alert bracelet? nope. Has this happened before? she couldn't tell me. Do you know where you are? can't tell me. do you want water? yes. ok got a fresh bottle of water from one of the girls. The bump was about the size of a ping pong ball now, so I told the leader to keep her down and keep talking to her. Brittany and I went to get ice...(luckily we were in a sorta hospital :P) Came back with the ice, she wasn't doing much better. So, Jo and I went and phoned First Response the on campus first aid team. Jo waited for them at the front desk and I stayed on the phone with emergency services, to keep them updated on her condition. the "first wave" of people came and I went to wait for the next batch. They came and took over the situation. Now what to do with the rest of the people, we felt really bad because everyone was just standing around watching. So, Brittany, Jo, and I lead the rest of the orientation! and we did a better job than the real leader if i say so myself! Hooray for us! First Response called a cab and sent her and her friend off to the hospital. Personally if you ask non doctor me I think she's gonna have a good concussion.

I also thought I would share some photos I took on a walk down to the speed river. It was so pretty the day I went, and there definitely wasn't as much snow as there is now.

What else would you expect to find on the banks of a river? duh! Coconuts!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

quick photo post

Well, not a long post today. I'm sick as a dog, in bed, trying to study some econ for my mid term on Saturday. Unfortunately that's not going so well, I can barely breathe let alone study. So I thought I would post some photos from the Royal on Saturday. It was a blast, we ran into our friend Katie who was showing red angus cows and our friend Sara who was grooming for her sister, who was competing in the large pony championships.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I am a pumpkin god!

Hey all!

Halloween was a lot of fun. My friends and I went out to participate in "trick or eat" which is a campaign for the Guelph food bank. It's basically trick or treating BUT we collect non perishable food items for the food bank.....and some times we pick up some candy for ourselves.

Our apartment also got decorated. I spent the better part of an afternoon carving some beautiful pumpkins for our apartment.

the first one was a copy of Van Gough's "starry night"

The second was the lovely Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Clearly i am a pumpkin carving god....not to toot my own horn or anything :P

Tomorrow Johanna and I are off the the Royal (the royal agricultural winter show) it is in Toronto at the exhibition place. The have horse shows and cow shows and wheat exhibitions and chickens and all that wonderful stuff. They also have way more food than you could ever possibly eat...ever! and so many exhibitions and shops.

I've really enjoyed the commercial for the royal this year.

It's worth a peek if you have a minute to spare.

that's all i have for now, but i'm sure i'll have some lovely photo's for you from the royal soon!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

WOAH i fell behind.

Sorry about the super long time no updates.

School got a little out of hand and sl that needed to be taken care of. My first set of midterms are over and done with. Now the second round is winding up.

Since the last post life has been busy. Thanks giving was lots of fun, I got to go down to Montreal and hang out with family It was so much fun! My aunt and I went for a lovely walk and I got to take some wonderful photos.

This is one of my favorites I have. My camera has this lovely filter setting where you can choose which colour you want to show. Everything else gets washed out to black and white. very clever.

The next weekend I got to go to my very first NFL game. Boston vs San Diego. ... The one where the power went out. It was an incredible experience, so much fun. Plus I got to drive a Ford F150 home seeing as I was the D.D.

We tailgated before the game and got ate more than i ever thought was humanly possible.

This weekend I drove out to Burlington to pick up a budgie for Johanna's Brother and then we brought it to Chatham. The reason we did this is because Jo's brother had a budgie previously it was an untrained pet store variety that they picked up for 30 bucks or so. It unfortunately figured out how to weasel it's way out of it's cage and Johanna's cat killed it. All very sad. So Jo felt obliged to get her brother a new bird, except this time it was a hand raised budgie from a breeder it only cost 5 dollars more and is as sweet as can be. He'll sit on your hand and let you scratch him and everything.

So that's all that's really happened lately. now i'm getting ready for my second psych paper.